About me

Hi everyone!  Here your friend Nandy or better known as Captured of Dividends.  This blog is written with the purpose of keeping track of my trajectory to Financial Freedom.  In it I will write my failures and my winnings.  I started this journey back in August 2014 with a small amount and today the passive income covers half of my monthly expenses.  I'm 32, 33 and my biggest accomplishment will be to win my freedom and never worried for any expenses by age 34.

I use to live my life check by check like many others this day but now I manage my income so well that it works for me daily and every dollar earn is put to work with a purpose in mind.  This way I was able to create this portfolio that today generate passive income while I sleep without having to move a finger.  In this blog I write about how I stay organized and how I manage my income.

(in progress)

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Julio 2021: Captura de Dividendos y Valor Neto

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